Top 10 Best Company Lawyers in Singapore

Beginner’s Guide to Choosing Your Best Company Lawyers in Singapore

The contemporary process of incorporating a company appears easy, straightforward, and feasible online, sometimes within a day. However, as any serious entrepreneur knows, there’s more to it than meets the eye. Starting a company and running a business actually follows a very stringent framework of governance, rules, and regulations. Having the best company lawyers in Singapore is a good way to stay compliant and even enjoy its advantages.

The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) is the Singapore government agency that regulates companies in the country. Statistics from its 2022 business registry show that there are currently more than half a million registered business entities. The most popular type of company structures in Singapore includes Limited Liability Companies, Sole Proprietorships, and Partnerships.

The rules that govern company law are diverse, multifaceted, and continuously developing to keep up with international changes. Similarly, the role of company lawyers extends far beyond simply ensuring a business stays legally compliant. Our guide explains what company lawyers are and why modern businesses need to engage them. There’s also a handy list of the Top 10 attorneys in Singapore who specialise in company law.

Top 10 Best Company Lawyers in Singapore


What Are Company Lawyers?

Company law governs a company, its organisation and management, as well as its operations. Company or corporate lawyers represent corporations and specialise in the legal aspects of the formation and functions of a business. This includes setting up, restructuring, or winding up of companies, shareholders’ and directors’ rights, daily operations, etc. It varies from commercial law, which deals with a business’ commercial activity, i.e., the sale of goods, etc.

A company lawyer is a crucial part of any business with a keen strategy for success. Businesses with complex enterprise structures or global footprints will need their expertise to navigate the law successfully. The best company lawyers in Singapore will be competent in the following areas:

  • Company formation, organisational structure, etc.
  • Preparing constitutional documents, directors’ duties, etc.
  • Drafting agreements for founders, shareholders, partnerships, etc.
  • Drafting employment or non-disclosure agreements
  • Handling joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, or winding up procedures
  • Licensing, franchising, distribution, etc.
  • Sales and purchase agreements, corporate financing, etc.
  • Dispute and dissolution resolution

A company attorney will conduct due diligence such as appraisals, background checks of potential investors, etc. They provide reviews and recommendations to the directors and shareholders, such as the viability of restructuring. It is also possible to appoint a company lawyer as the company secretary after the formation of the business.

In Singapore, there are several statutes that regulate companies and their corporate governance. The primary law is under the Companies Act, while additional regulations are usually industry-specific, e.g., the Factories Act, etc.

What Are Company Lawyers?


Why Do You Need Company Lawyers?

Company lawyers are a value add to any organisation that is serious about futureproofing their business. Skilled attorneys not only offer counsel on legal issues but empower corporate leaders to make informed business decisions. Further, company law matters are not generally contentious in nature – good corporate attorneys are actually highly competent negotiators. As such, they are able to provide unique insights into situations that require top-notch negotiation skills.

Businesses with a good company lawyer on their payroll will also benefit from their intuitive analytical and problem-solving abilities. The very nature of a company lawyer’s work requires them to hone such skills. They become adept at providing counsel on potential problems, offering pre-emptive solutions, and correctly interpreting data for better business outcomes. In short, a good company lawyer is an asset that businesses should cultivate from the very start.

Another crucial aspect is the fact that the law is not static but a dynamic framework that is continuously evolving. For example, amendments to Singapore’s Company Law in 2022 enhance compliance and transparency obligations for companies and LLPs. With a company lawyer onboard, it’s easier for management to understand the far-reaching consequences of statutory amendments. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, and a skilled attorney will always ensure your company stays compliant.

Company lawyers actually minimise a businessexposure to lawsuits with the ability to craft ironclad contracts. They help in choosing suitable business structures and formulating the right strategies, which may necessitate mergers and acquisitions. They also protect intellectual property, ensure corporate governance, and carry out due diligence to avoid unnecessary risks and threats. As can be seen, a competent company lawyer is actually a necessity in the modern world of business.

Why Do You Need Company Lawyers?


Where Should I Find the Best Company Lawyers in Singapore?

Starting a company and running a business becomes so much more efficient with the right strategies in place. This should include engaging the best company lawyers in Singapore to help make better business decisions while avoiding legal difficulties. In our Top 10 list below, you’ll find industry peers who set the bar as high as it gets.

These professionals are versatile specialists with solid legal knowledge and experience, as well as business savvy. They offer expert service with a client-centric approach while maintaining their edge with the latest developments in the industry. They’ll ensure your corporate governance, due diligence, and regulatory compliance are spot on the road to success.


Here are the Top 10 Company Lawyers in Singapore

A. W. Law LLC

A. W. Law LLC

Company Name: A. W. Law LLC
Email Address: wa***@aw***.sg
Address: 133 New Bridge Road #12-07 Chinatown Point Singapore 059413
Operating Hours: Monday-Friday: 9 am–10 pm


Rex Legal Law

Rex Legal Law

Company Name: Rex Legal Law
Email Address: of****@re******.sg
Address: 133 New Bridge Rd, #16-06 Chinatown Point, Singapore 059413
Operating Hours: Monday-Friday: 9 am–5 pm


East Asia Law

East Asia Law

Company Name: East Asia Law
Email Address: of****@re******.sg
Address: 133 New Bridge Rd, #10-02, Singapore 059413
Operating Hours: Monday-Friday: 9 am–6 pm


Trident Law Corporation

Trident Law Corporation

Company Name: Trident Law Corporation
Email Address: en*******@tr************.com
Address: 1 Coleman St, #05-15 The Adelphi, Singapore 179803
Operating Hours: Monday-Friday: 9 am–6 pm


Kalidass Law Corporation

Kalidass Law Corporation

Company Name: Kalidass Law Corporation
Email Address: da**@da****.sg
Address: 160 Robinson Road, SBF Center #23-06, Singapore 068914
Operating Hours: Monday-Friday: 9 am–6 pm
Saturday: 12–6 PM


DL Law Corporation

DL Law Corporation

Company Name: DL Law Corporation
Email Address: co*******@dl*******.com
Address: 8 Eu Tong Sen St, #20-98 Clarke Quay Central, Singapore 059818
Operating Hours: Monday-Friday: 9 am–6 pm


Abdul Rahman Law

Abdul Rahman Law

Company Name: Abdul Rahman Law
Email Address: as*@ar**.sg
Address: 727 North Bridge Road, Singapore 198695
Operating Hours: Monday-Friday: 9 am–6 pm


Farallon LawFarallon Law

Company Name: Farallon Law
Email Address: nf*
Address: 160 Robinson Rd, #22-07 SBF Center, Singapore 068914
Operating Hours: Monday-Friday: 9 am–6 pm


Ray Louis Law
Ray Louis Law

Company Name: Ray Louis Law
Email Address: ra*@ra******.sg
Address: 133 New Bridge Rd, #16-08 ChinaTown Point, Singapore 059413
Operating Hours: Monday-Friday: 9 am–6 pm


DMO Law Corporation
DMO Law Corporation

Company Name: DMO Law Corporation
Email Address: de*****@dm****.sg
Address: 36 Armenian St, #05-11, Singapore 179934
Operating Hours: Monday – Thursday | 10am to 3pm
Friday | 10am to 12 noon
Saturday | 9am to 12 noon


End of List on the Top 10 Best Company Lawyers in Singapore


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