Top 10 Best Freight Forwarders in Singapore

Beginner’s Guide to Choosing the Best Freight Forwarders in Singapore

Looking for the best freight forwarders in Singapore means you value your customer as an entrepreneur. Freight forwarding is integral to global trade as it ensures shipments reach their destination safely and on time.

Again, as a businessman, you’re looking at how you’d reduce shipping costs when you partner with a carrier. Singapore has many freight forwarders to choose from, depending on your location and your business requirements.

However, you need to consider several factors before choosing a freight forwarder for your business. Each of these factors must align with your business model and value proposition.

Here’s a guide on choosing the best Freight Forwarders in Singapore.


What Are Freight Forwarders?

Freight forwarders are intermediaries or agents that offer the link between the owner of the goods and carriers. When your business grows, and you’re operating in a large volume, you’ll need a freight forwarder to take care of your logistics.

Therefore, freight forwarding is the process of arranging for the transportation of goods from one country to another. It is important to note that forwarders handle all logistics, from customs clearance to warehousing, transportation, and distribution.

They go further and find suitable shipping carriers and negotiate the rates. This freight forwarding business is complicated and requires lots of time and money. Therefore, choosing the right freight forwarders in Singapore depends on numerous factors that will save you time and money.

Despite freight forwarders taking full responsibility for the entire process, they do not take ownership of the carriage. But instead, they use the declarations made by the owner of the goods. This includes the weight of the goods, dimensions, and the purpose of the carriage. Subsequently, their roles vary depending on the type and size of the employer (owner of the goods).

Top 10 Best Freight Forwarders in Singapore

Why Do You Need Freight Forwarders?

Handling shipment or logistics may be tedious, especially so if you’re a small company. That’s why it’s crucial and beneficial to have someone familiar with these processes.

Freight forwarders come in handy as they offer advice to the shipper. The client will get information in advance on any possible challenges of freight transportation. Again, they’re at the center of negotiations on shipping cost reduction with transport agents.

Additionally, they play a significant role in booking cargo space on different modes of transportation. Again, the agents offer shipping options such as containerization, road haulage, and air freight.

Freight forwarders in Singapore conduct documentation and customs clearance. This involves preparing and submitting documentation for the export and import of goods. They ensure that everything complies with the legal and customs requirements and sales agreement.


Where Should I Find the Freight Forwarders?

Singapore has many freight forwarding companies that are spread across the country. Below is the information on the top 10 best freight forwarders in Singapore.

Here are the Top 10 Best Freight Forwarding Companies in Singapore

There are many freight forwarding companies in Singapore. We worked with industry experts, and some business owners to discuss the best ones among them.


M&P International Freights Pte. Ltd.

M&P International Freights Pte. Ltd.

Company Name: M&P International Freights Pte. Ltd.
Email Address: sa***@si****.sg
Operating Hours: Monday to Friday – 8am to 6pm
Key Service(s): International freight forwarding services to importers and exporters globally.


Global Alliance Logistics Pte. Ltd.

Global Alliance

Company Name: Global Alliance Logistics Pte. Ltd.
Email Address: en*****@gl***************.com
Operating Hours: Monday to Friday – 9am to 6pm / Saturday to Sunday – Closed
Key Service(s): Freight Forwarding and Logistic Services


Air Sea Logistics Pte. Ltd.

Airsea Logistics

Company Name: Air Sea Logistics Pte. Ltd.
Email Address: **@ai*************.sg
Operating Hours: Open 24 Hours
Key Service(s): Freight Forwarding and Logistic Services


KMS Lines (Singapore) Pte Ltd

KMS Lines Singapore

Company Name: KMS Lines (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Email Address: he***@km******.sg
Operating Hours: Monday to Friday – 8am to 6pm
Key Service(s): Transportation Services, Warehousing, Freight Forwarding, etc.


Union Air Freight (S) Pte Ltd

Union Air Freight (S) Pte Ltd

Company Name: Union Air Freight (S) Pte Ltd
Email Address: en*****@ua****.sg
Operating Hours: Monday to Friday – 9am to 6pm / Saturday – 9am to 1pm / Sunday – Closed
Key Service(s): Air and sea freight services


Trans Global (S) Pte Ltd

Trans Global (S) Pte Ltd

Company Name: Trans Global (S) Pte Ltd
Email Address: sa***@tr*********.sg
Operating Hours: Open 24 hours
Key Service(s): International freight forwarder specializing in total logistics, project logistics and over-sized cargoes.


S2M Freight Services Pte Ltd

S2M Freight Services Pte Ltd

Company Name: S2M Freight Services Pte Ltd
Email Address: he***@s2********.com
Operating Hours: Monday to Friday – 8:30am to 5:30pm / Saturday – 8:30am to 1pm / Sunday Closed
Key Service(s): Transport Specialists, providing deliveries for almost anything across the Borders.


UMAC Express Cargo Singapore

UMAC Express Cargo Singapore

Company Name: UMAC Express Cargo Singapore
Email Address: cs*******@um**.sg
Operating Hours: Monday to Friday – 8:30am to 5:30pm / Saturday – 8:30am to 1pm / Sunday – Closed
Key Service(s): Freight forwarding services


GFS Forwarding Pte Ltd

GFS Forwarding Pte Ltd

Company Name: GFS Forwarding Pte Ltd
Email Address: in**@gf***********.com
Operating Hours: Monday to Friday – 8:30am to 5:30pm / Saturday and Sunday closed
Key Service(s): Full-fledged freight forwarder company in Singapore, offering the most comprehensive and complete logistics services.


Afreight Cargo Pte Ltd

Afreight Cargo Pte Ltd

Company Name: Afreight Cargo Pte Ltd
Email Address: in**@af******.com
Operating Hours: Monday to Friday – 9am to 7pm / Saturday and Sunday – 9am to 6pm
Key Service(s): Cargo and freight services


End of List on the Top 10 Best Freight Forwarders in Singapore


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