What are the Most Profitable Business Ideas for Women in Singapore?

The Most Profitable Business Ideas for Women Have More Variety Today

There are a lot of ways to make money but not all of them have the same success because it takes more than just selling to the market. Luckily, with the diversity of possibilities today, the number of ways people can make a living have increased. That is why there are more suggestions for the most profitable business ideas for women found when you research about them.

Food Business

Food is an every day necessity which means that having a food business is crucial and lucrative anywhere in the world. Even animals need to consumer food for the sake of their survival. This means that a food business is very good in Singapore and anyone can start it. The people in Singapore are into trying anything new and they love good food. The food business in Singapore is very competitive but if you have a solid plan and unique idea, you are going to stand out.

Self-service Laundry

A self-service laundry using coins has the potential to grow in Singapore. According to statistics, 30,000 companies made a yearly revenue of more than $10 billion from 2014 to 2015. It was discovered that from the 30,000 companies, 70% are retail laundry businesses and the 30% are coin-operated laundry establishments. Singapore has a lot of potential clients and some of these are the HBD households with bulk items comprised of sofa, comforters, covers, blankets, and curtains. These items cannot easily be washed at home. There are large families that need daily washing, also tourists and home owners with malfunctioning washing machines. This is a stable business and has a proven ROI of more than 30% with a breakeven in not more than 2 years. There will be no receivables to think about because the customers already pre-pay the use of the machines. Most likely, there is no labor or staffing issues because the business is self-service.

Home Tutoring

You can start this business without any capital because it can be done at home. A business like this thrives in Singapore because families have the tendency to arrange a home training for their children. This is an excellent business option, especially if you specialize in several subjects because you will be able to accept more students. The good ones to try are teaching Accounting and English because they are low cost with high returns in Singapore.

Delivering Healthy Meals

Since the Singaporeans are already learning how to eat healthy, there is a growing market that look for healthy meals delivered to their doorstep. The modern trend in this industry is delivering personalized meal plans formulated based on the customer’s dietary needs. Delivering healthy food attract customers that have busy schedules that want to pay for a nutritious meal delivered to them. This kind of business will require you to work with certified nutritionists so that customers are provided with the dietary information of their food. You can also become an operator of nutritious food that only operates online and let customers subscribe to healthy meals. In addition, they can pre-order meals based on caloric quantities.

Mobile App Development

Apps are used daily for every task that’s needed to be done from checking the bank account, holding conferences calls over video across different parts of the world. A profit that can be sustained is not derived from attempting to develop your own app like Instagram, Pandora Radio, Twitter, or Bump. Normally, it is from developing an app that customers can use. Nowadays, a lot of institutions from the private and public sectors need someone to develop apps their clients can use anywhere. This could depend on what customers expect from an app. Your profit could be from $5,000 for making a simple app up to $50,000 for a more complex and customized app. Another area you can try is game development because it has a good earning potential.


What are the Most Profitable Business Ideas for Women in Singapore?
Singapore’s wellness industry is flourishing and it consists of massage and spa services, which has a growing business potential. The niche of massage services is for men and women, and the majority are working professionals that want to pamper themselves with expensive treatments after work. Based on the Massage Establishment Act, before building a spa and offering services, a Massage Establishment License must be obtained. The law says that you would need this license if you will be offering spa baths, massage services, reflexology, and other services.

Financial Services

Due to the number of businesses coming from the indigenous and foreign in the country, individuals who are accredited to offer financial services are in high demand. Services include accounting, book keeping and addicting. If you have a solid foundation, you are going to earn big in Singapore doing this job and by being able to help businesses using your skills and expertise. Also, even businessmen would rather hire a financial expert to manage the company’s funds because it is a tedious task for them.


In 2016, almost 400 centers for childcare have been established located in different workplaces and almost 50% are from the 2012 statistics. This year, 4 big child centers were and will be added to the list.

Parents always have to think about their child’s well-being and want to count on professionals to do this job. If high regard is placed on family values, having a child care business is going to make you lots of money and earn the appreciation of parents who only want quality childcare given to their children.


The electronics industry is the 2nd largest in the manufacturing sector of Singapore, which is about 48% for the industry’s total output. This means that you can use a small capital to focus on a certain range of electronics and then widen your scope depending on your strategy and muscle available.

Guide for Private Tours

Singapore was ranked number 13 out of the 136 countries that were listed in the 2017 Travel and Tourism reports. Millions of visitors are received every year and during the 1st couple of months in 2017, the arrival of visitors reached great heights, A total of 5.79 million visitors were recorded and 1.1 million came from China. The growing number of tourists in Singapore is the reason why you should open a business dedicated to giving personal tours. This kind of business could yield you a profit of more than $50,000 a year.

Online Manufacturing

Since there is an increase in the demand for businesses to draw customers in and still be able to offer services related to the internet is a booming business you can get into. You can offer online marketing services and this entails advertising in Singapore which is a very lucrative field. People in Singapore are always looking for ways to make their life more convenient and you can help by doing this business.

These are the most profitable business ideas for women in Singapore you can go for and it is a nation filled with opportunities. Aside from being able to put up a business and doing it right, you should never stop learning especially if it is about your competitors.